Monday, August 10, 2009

Birthday Tweet-a-thon a Success

I just turned another year older and spent the day raising over $500 in support of Eye Care 4 Kids in partnership with It warmed my heart to see the community support as 25 people donated between $5 and $50 each to arrive at the daily total. All of this money was raised through communication using Twitter. If you’ve had any questions about the power of social media, think again. It is truly a powerful communication tool which gives you the ability to send short messages to a global audience in seconds.

As announced throughout the Tweet-a-thon, each person who donated money to the cause received one raffle ticket for every $12 donated. Then, numbers were assigned to each person based on the number of tickets received and winners were chosen by random selection using

The winners of the raffle were:
Pink Biwa Pearl Earrings (provided by Phyllis Mufson)
Michael Anne Gomez

EZ EZines newletter template (provided by Tracey Del Camp)
H. Arora

One Page Blogsite (provided by Aletha McManama)
Linda Freedland

1 hour editing services (provided by Gina LaGuardia)
Susan Poirier

1000 Full Color Business Cards (provided by iGoByDoc)
Stephen Moline

Men Who Make a Difference Telesummit VIP Pkg (provided by Suzanne Evans)
Jon Aston

Webinar Speakers Coaching Pkg (provided by Roger Courville)
Susan Poirier

The Virtual Presenter’s Handbook (provided by Roger Courville)
Alicia J. Moore, Michael Anne Gomez and Tim Walker

$100 Website credit (provided by Katie M Designs)
Felicia Slattery and Mark Lovett

25% off Coaching Services at Noomi (provided by Stephen Wiedner)
Linda Freedland, Susan Poirier, HN Reisinger

All winners will be contacted shortly. Contact information for the winners is being given to the people who provided prizes who will contact the winners directly. Thanks again!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Shannon - thanks!! Great (and selfless!) job at putting this together!
